Where do I even begin ??

Starting any project from scratch may seem like a very daunting task, whether it’s an assignment for work, learning how to play a new instrument or even learning how to cook anything else other than 2 – minute noodles. This mini-series of blog posts will help guide you in getting your business ideas out of your head and breathing life into them.

In this first blog post, we will look into the realities of starting a business and what approach one should take when deciding on what to sell/ create/make for their ideal target audience. I will be using examples from small local businesses to help you further understand what to anticipate.

Step 1: What’s on your mind? Take a step back and think about what’s either missing in a market that you’re interested in or dive deep into a craft or talent that you are passionate about and would like to bring forth into the light.

Step 2: Take a look at what’s happening around you – are you noticing any trends in your field of interest or perhaps there is a gap that you are looking to fill as you can see that it has not yet been addressed.

Step 3: Grab a paper and pen and get writing – according to the BBC and a clinical study addressed in the journal article “The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking” by Mueller and Oppenheimer it is noted that “taking notes by hand involves cognitive engagement in summarising, paraphrasing, organizing, concept, and vocabulary mapping — in short, manipulating and transforming information that leads to deeper understanding”. Writing will not only help map out your ideas but will also allow you to critically think about what tactics you can use to bring your ideas to fruition.

Step 4: Ask, ask, ask – as one of my high school teachers taught me, opinions are like assholes everyone has one. On one hand, not everyone’s opinions matter to you but it’s interesting to gauge and see what people think about a particular topic. So talk to your friends, your family, your work colleagues, or even your university professors and see observe and see how they react to your ideas/ thoughts.

These steps are designed to help get the ball rolling without seeing it as a daunting task – remember when we were toddlers we didn’t get up and start running we took small steps until we got the hang of things.

You have just been graced by this knowledge.